Arriving on TEN Welcome to TEN, we're glad to have ya. Here's enough information to get you going now that you're here. Be sure to look for a guide or TEN employee in any of the HELP arenas on TEN. They'll be happy to finish the tour with you, up close and personal.
When you first sign on to TEN, on the right hand side of the screen you will see the News @ TEN. Read this section for the latest scoop. Look for the secret word (announced at the beginning of the month) and maybe the newsguy will send you prizes!
The left hand side of the screen has a list of games that are available for play. Click on the game you want to play, wait for Mr. Bandwidth to check your connection quality, and off you go. Mr. Bandwidth will tell you which is the zone for you. Follow his advice, choose any arena within your best zone and you'll be good from there.
If this is your first time connecting to TEN, there is a chance that you will need to upgrade up to the latest, greatest version of the TEN software. The good news is that TEN will do this automatically for you and you will not be charged for upgrade time. After the upgrade is finished, you'll need to sign back on to TEN.
The Game Selector screen also offers an entire menu of other options for TEN. The Support menu item sends you to another screen where you can do any of the following :
- find out more about your bill
- change your rate plan
- change your password
- send us feedback
- get to the Support web site.
For any more help on-line, just seek out a GUIDE or a TEN- employee to help you. You can usually find them in HELP arenas associated with all the games. See you online! |