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by 3D Realms Entertainment Just when you get your planet the way you want it, along come some bug-eyed space zombies who blow stuff up and throw your dating schedule out of whack. Duke Nukem has issues with this. To heal his inner child, he's made himself a walking armory and he's hunting space scum through multiple levels of 3D-mentia. |
by Monolith Productions, Inc. Is your fate written in Blood? In the new ultra-hit from Monolith, The Cabal, led by the evil Tchernobog (the T is silent but deadly), has flooded the vicinity with rampaging monsters and frenzied undead. You must use whatever weapons are at hand, including flares (which both incinerate the monsters and warn oncoming traffic) and pitchforks, to defeat them or other players in Duke Nukem-like first person combat. |
by Westwood Studios, Inc. Which will it be -- control or freedom? Do you find the world dominance sought by Brotherhood of Nod appealing? Or is the dream of freedom for all proclaimed by the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) your dream? Race against the clock in real-time combat. Four players can compete over TEN. |
by Strategic Simulations, Inc. Gaze into the many faces of the world of Athas, the blistering glare of the Defiled Deserts, the veiled shadows of the Underdark, the furtive glances of Elf, Human, and Dwarf ... preserver, cleric, and warrior. Treasure and magic are plentiful, but simple survival is the real prize. Countless players can enter this huge fantasy world. |
by Blizzard Entertainment In a land poisoned by unholy evil, the living have come to envy the dead. This is because the dead are more powerful. As a Warrior, Sorcerer, or Rogue, invade a dungeon which is different every time you enter. Penetrate deeper and deeper until you confront the source of the evil that is spreading, pervasive and, well, diabolical. |
by Strategic Simulations, Inc. It is September 1939. Today is the first day of the rest of your Reich. The decadent Allies will know bitter regret for what they did to the Fatherland. You and your Panzer forces will teach them the meaning of defeat as you sweep across Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, or wherever else you choose. Up to 6 players can compete on TEN. |
by id Software, Inc. Recite now the litanies of destruction. The Old Ones stir, and their loathsome minions rule the darkness. Good thing you're a marine with a loathsome-minion hunters license. Lock and load your nailgun, rocket launcher, or just a good old double barrelled-shotgun, and join the violent fun. Then take on some fellow hunters over TEN. |
by Blizzard Entertainment A victorious army marches on its stomach; a losing army just gets a boot in the gut. In this real-time strategy game which pits Human armies against Orcish hordes, organizing for successful harvests and productive industry is as important as girding for battle. Two players can vie for supremacy over TEN. |
by Accolade, Inc. Tarth juggernauts, ChCht swarms, Uva Mosk shaman dancers -- these are only a few of the obstacles you must neutralize to claim the rich planet Gallius IV. As the leader of one of seven space-faring races, carve out a string of colonies, develop (or steal) resources and technology, and do whatever is necessary ... because only the winner will survive. |
by MicroProse The sequel to the classic game of space conquest, Master of Orion II is bigger, better, and 100% more multiplayer than the original. Carve planetary colonies out of the interstellar wilderness, delve into hyper-advanced technologies, launch massive interstellar armadas, and demolecularize any bug-eyed aliens that stand in the way of ultimate victory! |
by Westwood Studios, Inc. In an altered time continuum, World War II never happened. But Joseph Stalin did, and his unopposed Russian juggernaut is devouring Europe. It looks like nothing can stop him- except for you, if you master the exotic technologies of this strange new world. |
by Papyrus & Sierra On-line. Inc. This isn't a game -- this is a sport. NASCAR Racing Online Series (NRO) is a fully sanctioned and recognized division of NASCAR. Slide behind the wheel for member-controlled single-race and multi-race events. Fuel up for NASCAR-administrated series of monthly, quarterly, and annual championships as well as real prizes. |
by Eidos Interactive Spitfires and Focke-Wolfes and Thunderbirds, oh my! Slice open Confirmed Kill's war-filled skies in famous WWII birds-of-prey. Dogfight to the death in single combat above beautiful 3D terrain in an aircraft modeled with meticulous accuracy, or join squadrons and fight wing-to-wing with your fellow knights of the air. |
by 3DRealms Entertainment The developers of Duke Nukem 3D will rock the gaming world all over again with Shadow Warrior. Focus your chi into intense 3D martial arts combat against shadowy ninjas, fierce samurai, ancient Asian gods and the TEN member next door. |
by Ice Online MUD in your face: In Twilight Lands, players start in the central town of Ravenshire. From there, players can venture to numerous regions and locales, including The Catacombs, The Caverns, The Graveyard, The Sewers, and Troll Keep. Confront dozens of monsters, from orcs and gremlins to trolls, skeletons, and many more. Earn experience points and gold as you go. |
by Digital Image Design and Ocean Take to the simulated skies in one of the most sophisticated and versatile warplanes in the world, the Eurofighter 2000. This multipurpose craft has been modeled in astonishing beauty and detail by the award winning team at DID, and the realistic missions give the game a depth unmatched by any other sim. On TEN, 8 pilots will be able to fly in cooperative scenarios or head-to-head combat, adding yet another level of depth and realism to this great game. |