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Order  the TEN CD Windows 95 only
If you don't want to bother downloading the TEN software, you can order a free TEN CD-ROM. Just fill out the order form below and a shiny new TEN disc will arrive on your doorstep within  1-2 weeks. The disc contains the TEN software and several games, including Dark Sun Online, Duke Nukem 3D shareware, QUAKE shareware,  Panzer General and others. Best of all,  it won't cost you a dime.

NOTE:  The new TEN version 1.2 CDs will be available sometime in June.  The CD you are ordering here today will let you automatically upgrade to TEN 1.2 once you sign on to TEN (it will take about 15 minutes on a 28.8 modem).  Or, you can click on "Download TEN" right now if you don't wish to wait.

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Picture What is TEN
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Picture System Requirements
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System requirements:

Minimum: 486/66 DX2, Windows 95, 8MB RAM, 14.4 Modem, 2x Speed CD-ROM

Recommended:  Pentium 60MHz,  16MB RAM, 28.8 Modem, 2x Speed CD-ROM
(This recommended system configuration is required for some action games)

You must be over 18 and own a major credit card to join TEN.

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Macintosh users are encouraged to try Outland


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